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Package settings are accessed via Main Menu or Command Palette.

Control Description
Menu Main > Preferences > Package Settings > GitGutter
Command Palette Preferences: GitGutter Settings


Default settings should not be modified, as they are overwritten when GitGutter updates. Copy the relevant settings into GitGutter's user settings file instead.

Syntax, User, Project and View Settings

All GitGutter settings can be placed in any of Sublime Text's settings files to provide syntax-, user-, project- or view-specific setups.

The setting keys found in the GitGutter.sublime-settings need to be prefixed using git_gutter_ to do that. Each of those settings overrides the value from the GitGutter.sublime-settings.

To modify GitGutter settings for an open Project just open Project > Edit Project menu and add the settings key as shown.

            "path": "src"
        // git_binary is the only setting not being prefixed
        "git_binary": "/path/to/project/specific/git"

        // git_gutter settings
        "git_gutter_live_mode": false,
        "git_gutter_ignore_whitespace": "space"


All correctly prefixed settings can be placed into Preferences.sublime-settings instead of GitGutter.sublime-settings.


Settings can be modified temporarily per view by calls like view.settings().set("git_gutter_enable", False)


Enable or Disable Evaluation

"git_gutter_enable": true

GitGutter evaluates changes every time the file is loaded, saved, activated or modified by default. Set false to disable evaluation and hide all gutter icons, status message and minimap markers.


This setting must be set as syntax- user- project- or view-specific setting! It is ignored when put into GitGutter.sublime-settings.

Git Binary

"git_binary": ""

GitGutter looks for the git binary in the PATH environment variable by default.

The setting can be used to

  1. specify the path to a custom git installation which is not registered to PATH.
  2. run git via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10 by setting up a unix like path.

The value may be either a direct string to a git binary:

"git_binary": "E:\\Portable\\git\\bin\\git.exe"
"git_binary": "/usr/bin/git"

or it may be a dictionary keyed off what sublime.platform() returns, so it may be customized on a per-platform basis:

"git_binary": {
    "default": "",
    "linux": "/usr/bin/git",
    "osx":  "/usr/bin/git",
    "windows": "C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe"


  1. It is valid to use environment variables in the setting value, and they will be expanded appropriately.
  2. In a POSIX environment you can run which git to find the path to git if it is in your path. On Windows, you can use where git to do the equivalent.

Environment Variables

"env": {

With the "env" dictionary custom environment variables can be passed to git. The values overwrite the global environment variables Sublime Text is running with.


  1. Keys with value None are removed from the local environment.
  2. The "git_gutter_env" defined per view or project hides the global "env" dictionary.
  3. Make sure to use the correct separator characters of your OS, if you manipulate the $PATH.

Compare Against

"compare_against": "HEAD"

GitGutter compares the content of the view against the HEAD of the checked out branch by default. To change this default behaviour the compare_against setting can be changed to any tag, branch or commit hash git understands.


This setting is overridden by the Compare Against Command

Diff Algorithm

"diff_algorithm": "patience"

Set diff_algorithm to one of the following values to change this behaviour.

value description
"default" The basic greedy diff algorithm. Currently, this is the default.
"minimal" Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced.
"patience" Use "patience diff" algorithm when generating patches.
"histogram" This algorithm extends the patience algorithm to "support low-occurrence common elements".

Ignore Whitespace

"ignore_whitespace": "none"

GitGutter includes all whitespace when evaluating modifications by default. Set ignore_whitespace to one of the following values to change this behaviour.

value description
"none" don't ignore any whitespace changes
"cr" ignore the carriage return at the end of lines (git 2.18+)
"eol" ignore whitespace changes at the end of lines
"space" ignore changed amount of whitespace
"all" ignore all whitespace

Diff Gutter

Debounce Delay

"debounce_delay": 1000

Delays update of gutter icons by the following amount (in milliseconds). Useful for performance issues. Default 1000 (1 second).

Focus Change Mode

"focus_change_mode": true

GitGutter evaluates changes every time a view gets the focus by default. Set false to disable evaluation when changing views.


This setting has effect with "live_mode": false only.

GitGutter always evaluates changes after loading and saving a document.

Live Mode

"live_mode": true

GitGutter evaluates changes every time the file is modified by default. Set false to disable evaluation after each input.


GitGutter always evaluates changes after loading and saving a document.

Protected Regions

To avoid GitGutter from overriding more important gutter icons a list of protected regions can be created, which GitGutter won't add gutter icons to.

"protected_regions": [


You will need to figure out the names of the regions to protect.

Show Markers on Untracked Files

"show_markers_on_untracked_file": true

GitGutter shows icons on each line for untracked and ignored files by default. Set to false to hide those icons.


You may need to add scopes (markup.ignored.git_gutter and markup.untracked.git_gutter) to your color scheme to color the icons.

Show Markers in Minimap

"show_in_minimap": 1

GitGutter shows diffs in the minimap on Sublime Text 3 by default. Change show_in_minimap to one of the following values to disable this feature or change the width of the markers.

value description
=0 hide markers
>1 width of markers
-1 highlight full line


"theme": "Default.gitgutter-theme"

GitGutter provides support for custom gutter icons and diff popup style sheets coming with theme packages. Set theme to a valid theme file name to activate a different icon set.

GitGutter includes following themes:

  • Bars.gitgutter-theme
  • Bars Thin.gitgutter-theme
  • Default.gitgutter-theme
  • Default HiDPI.gitgutter-theme (for ST2 and old ST3 dev builds)

Custom Themes

To provide a custom theme developers need to add a folder with all required icons and optionally a gitgutter_popup.css file to their package. An empty JSON file <ThemeName>.gitgutter-theme must exist to mark this folder a resource for GitGutter icons.

Diff Popup

requires Sublime Text 3 Build 3124+ and mdpopups 2.0.0+

Enable Hover

"enable_hover_diff_popup": true

GitGutter shows a diff popup, when hovering over changes in the gutter. Set false to disable the hovering feature.


You can still open it with a key binding or command palette.

Default Mode

"diff_popup_default_mode": "default"

The popup displays the previous state of the content under the cursor by "default" but can be set to "diff" to highlight the differences between the git state and the editor state.

Protected Regions

"diff_popup_protected_regions": [

To avoid GitGutter's diff popup from figting with other popups while hovering the gutter a list of protected regions can be created. If the line under the mouse cursor is occupied by one of these regions, no diff popup is displayed.


  1. You will need to figure out the names of the regions to protect.

  2. You can still open it with a key binding or command palette.


The default style of the Diff Popup is defined by mdpopups´s default.css and GitGutter´s gitgutter_popup.css. Both try their best to adapt the popup´s apeareance to the active color scheme automatically.

The apeareance can be customized by

  1. an embedded stylesheet in the color scheme
  2. editing the Packages/User/mdpopups.css
  3. editing the Packages/User/gitgutter_popup.css

Edit gitgutter_popup.css

GitGutter´s style settings are accessible via

  1. Menu: Main > Preferences > Package Settings > GitGutter > Popup Stylesheet

  2. Command Palette: Preferences: GitGutter Popup Stylesheet

Syntax Highlighting

The popup uses the mdpopups library to render its content, which includes syntax highlighting.

Please refer to mdpopups settings documentation for settings to change this behaviour.

Line Annotation

The active line of the active view is annotated with information about who changed it when. Its behaviour and the look & feel can be modified with the following settings.

Show Line Annotation

"show_line_annotation": "auto"

requires Sublime Text 3 Build 3124+

GitGutter displays information about the author of a change right next to the line using a phantom text if word wrapping is disabled. The behaviour can be modified by setting show_line_annotation to one of the following values:

Value Description
"auto" show line annotation if word wrap is disabled (default)
true always show line annotation
false never show line annotation

Line Annotation Template

"line_annotation_text": "{{line_author}} ({{line_author_age}}) · {{line_summary}}"

The Line Annotation is rendered by jinja2 using a fully customizable template from the line_annotation_text setting.

disable jinja2

Set "line_annotation_text": null to disable jinja2 engine.

The message is formatted with a fixed template which is also used if jinja2 is not available.

multiline templates

The setting can organized as an array of strings for better readability. It is joined and then passed to jinja2.


"line_annotation_text": [
    " ({{line_author_age}})",
    " · {{line_summary}}"

The following variables can be used to customize the template:

Variable Description
{{line_author}} the author, who introduced the change
{{line_author_mail}} the e-mail address of the author
{{line_author_age}} the time elapsed since the change
{{line_author_time}} the time string of the change
{{line_author_tz}} the timezone string of the change
{{line_commit}} the hash of the changing committing
{{line_committer}} the committer, who added the change to the repo
{{line_committer_mail}} the e-mail address of the committer
{{line_committer_age}} the time elapsed since the change
{{line_committer_time} the time string of commit
{{line_committer_tz} the timezone string of commit
{{line_summary}} the first line of the commit message
{{line_previous}} the hash of the previous commit

Line Annotation Ruler

"line_annotation_ruler": false

The Line Annotation is aligned to the end of a line with a predefined distance by default. To align the Line Annotation to the first ruler instead, you can set line_annotation_ruler to 1. A value of 2 aligns the text to the second ruler if available and so forth.

Line Annotation Ignore Whitespace

"line_annotation_ignore_whitespace": false

Line annotations display any change including whitespace by default. Set to true to ignore whitespace when comparing the parent’s version and the child’s to find where the lines came from.

Status Bar Text

Show Status Bar Text

"show_status_bar_text": true

GitGutter displays status information about open files in the status bar by default. Set to false to hide the information.

Status Bar Text Template

"status_bar_text": [
    "{% if repo and branch %}",
        "{% if not st_git_status %}",
            "{% if added_files + deleted_files + modified_files > 0 %}*{% endif %}, ",
        "{% endif %}",
        "{% if compare not in ('HEAD', branch, None) %}Comparing against {{compare}}, {% endif %}",
        "{% if state %}File is {{state}}{% endif %}",
        "{% if deleted > 0 %}, {{deleted}}-{% endif %}",
        "{% if inserted > 0 %}, {{inserted}}+{% endif %}",
        "{% if modified > 0 %}, {{modified}}≠{% endif %}",
        "{% if line_author and line_author_age %}, ⟢ {{line_author}} ({{line_author_age}}){% endif %}",
    "{% endif %}"

The Status Bar Text is rendered using a fully customizable template from status_bar_text. The setting is organized as an array of strings for better readability. It is joined and then passed to jinja2.

disable jinja2

Set "line_annotation_text": null to disable jinja2 engine.

The message is formatted with a fixed template which is also used if jinja2 is not available.

The following variables can be used to customize the template:

Variable Description
{{st_git_status}} reflects "show_git_status": true in Preferences of ST 3189+
{{repo}} repository name / folder name containing the .git directory
{{branch}} checked out branch you are working on
{{remote}} tracked remote of current branch you are working on or None
{{ahead}} number of commits the local branch is ahead of remote
{{behind}} number of commits the local branch is behind remote
{{added_files}} number of untracked files added to working tree
{{deleted_files}} number of files deleted from working tree
{{modified_files}} number of modified files in the working tree
{{staged_files}} number of files in the staging area
{{compare}} commit/branch/HEAD the file is compared to
{{state}} One of committed/modified/ignored/untracked
{{deleted}} number of deleted regions
{{inserted}} number of inserted lines
{{modified}} number of modified lines
{{line_author}} the author, who introduced the change
{{line_author_mail}} the e-mail address of the author
{{line_author_age}} the time elapsed since the change
{{line_author_time}} the time string of the change
{{line_author_tz}} the timezone string of the change
{{line_commit}} the hash of the changing committing
{{line_committer}} the committer, who added the change to the repo
{{line_committer_mail}} the e-mail address of the committer
{{line_committer_age}} the time elapsed since the change
{{line_committer_time} the time string of commit
{{line_committer_tz} the timezone string of commit
{{line_summary}} the first line of the commit message
{{line_previous}} the hash of the previous commit