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The colors of gutter icons and the line annotation come from your color scheme file.

Sublime Text Color Scheme Format


requires Sublime Text 3 Build 3152+

If a color scheme file does not define the appropriate colors (or you want to edit them) …

  1. Create a Packages/User/<Name>.sublime-color-scheme file.
  2. Copy and paste the following rules into that file.
  3. Set "color_scheme" user setting to <Name>.sublime-color-scheme.


  1. Step 3 can be ommitted if the overridden color scheme is a *.sublime-color-scheme file.

  2. Sublime Text's UI: Select Color Scheme command can be used to activate the color scheme.

  3. If UI: Select Color Scheme is not available or the overridden color scheme is of the old *.tmTheme format use Theme Menu Switcher to select the Packages/User/<Name>.sublime-color-scheme.

User Defined Color Scheme

            "scope": "markup.deleted.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#F92672"
            "scope": "markup.changed.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#967EFB"
            "scope": "markup.inserted.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#A6E22E"
            "scope": "markup.ignored.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#565656"
            "scope": "markup.untracked.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#565656"
            "scope": "comment.line.annotation.git_gutter",
            "foreground": "#eee",

TextMate Color Scheme Format


required for Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3 before Build 3151

If a color scheme file does not define the appropriate colors (or you want to edit them) …

  1. Copy the original color scheme to Packages/User/<Name>.tmTheme.
  2. Add and modify the required color scheme entries listed below.
  3. Set "color_scheme" user setting to the modified file or use Theme Menu Switcher to activate it.


The duplicated user file will override any updates of the original color scheme. Therefore it is recommended to use Sublime Text Color Scheme format if possible.

Required Color Scheme Entries

  <string>GitGutter deleted</string>
  <string>GitGutter inserted</string>
  <string>GitGutter changed</string>
  <string>GitGutter ignored</string>
  <string>GitGutter untracked</string>
  <string>GitGutter line annotation</string>

Supported Color Schemes

Color schemes that already have support for GitGutter include: